Tips for buying all ice cream flavours

We all remember the make-an-arrow-of-the-ice cream flavour you want joke, right? Judging by the comments on social media, it seems a lot of people have forgotten. So in this blog post, we’re going to do our best to remind your memory.

  1. The best ice cream shop has the best ice cream

Perhaps the most obvious tip on this list. A lot of people are still trying to save a few cents and buy from the cheapest seller. When you do that, you’ll never know how good it is in a really cheap shop, as long as it comes in that many flavours. And yes, I know some shops only sell 1 flavour for like $2, but let’s be realistic here. If you just want one, you’re not going to spend too much.

  1. The best ice cream shop has the most flavours

It’s not just the number of flavours, but their quality as well. As we all know, some ice cream tastes better than others. And don’t be fooled by this graph: cheap ice cream doesn’t taste good at all. There’s a very good reason why most shops only sell one flavour for 1/4 of what it costs at other shops.

  1. The best ice cream shop has the best range, and the variety is in your choice

Just because you’ll need to choose just one flavour, doesn’t mean you can’t go to a place that has a good variety of flavours. And even if it only comes in one flavour, there’s something called topping (or mix-ins). My favourite place sells 4 different flavours and they all taste really really good (the staff will even let you try before you buy! While eating! That’s not weird at all). What’s more, they all come with topping you can customize. Now, I’m not saying my favourite place is the best…but still, if you can’t tell how good ice cream is by its popularity, what can you tell?

  1. The best ice cream shop has a website where you can order online

Maybe it’s because I love everything that’s convenient and new-agey (read: I love pizza), but when I first realized that some shops have a website where you can order your favourite flavour along with your preferred toppings, my mind was BLOWN. It’s so good, I can’t even.

  1. The best ice cream shop has a website where you can design your own flavour

Forget ordering online, or even having that website where you can design your own flavours. You just have to go and try some of the possibilities in the shop itself! Sadly, that’s only for ice creams with toppings or mix-ins (which we’ll talk about later). Some shops don’t even have a website for that. Bummer…

  1. The best ice cream shop has a lot of toppings

Now, a lot of people don’t know what toppings are, so I think it’s important to elaborate. Toppings are the various things you put on your ice cream. Some shops only have nuts, some shops only have chocolate flakes and such…you get the idea. My favourite place even has chai tea powder! How cool is that? And good too! The best shops always have something to keep you coming back for more, before you even finish your last bite. The worst ones don’t even give out straws or spoons…ahem…(looks around) (screaming internally) (wonders why everyone seems to be staring).